Homeowner Association

Heritage Knolls Homeowner Association membership is mandatory for all homeowners in the Heritage Knolls subdivision because the homes that comprise our subdivision own common property: primarily the retention pond and capital items to support it and the land around it. The Association is governed by the Illinois Condominium Act, Illinois Not for Profit Act, Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and Heritage Knolls’ Declarations of Covenants and By-Laws, which set forth your rights and obligations as a homeowner. Homeowners who need a copy of these documents should contact the president (president@heritageknolls.net) or secretary (secretary@heritageknolls.net).

The Heritage Knolls Homeowners Association has a Board of Directors consisting of residents who volunteer to meet 4-8 times per year to manage the everyday business of the Association. (HOA Board Meeting Dates) The Board meets at least once per quarter plus the annual meeting.  The Board can meet more frequently if needed.  Board meeting are open to Heritage Knolls homeowners.  Please contact any Board member if you wish to attend as Board meetings are held at Board member homes so we can make necessary accommodations. The meeting dates are posted in our Newsletter and on our web site. In January of each year is the Annual Meeting of the Association. All HK homeowners are invited and encouraged to attend, meet other homeowners, and vote on important community issues. Association dues which cover the costs to maintain our common area and equipment are due April 1st of every year.

In addition to this website, the HK HOA Board will also publish an Association newsletter quarterly, which is delivered to all homes electronically. If your email address has changed, contact our Communications Board Member (communications@heritageknolls.net) and provide the new email address.

Listed below are the names of your current Board members:

Name                         Responsibility               Email                                                     

John Trojanowski     President pro-tem            President@heritageknolls.net

Brian Gott                 Treasurer                         Treasurer@heritageknolls.net 

TBD                          Communications             Communications@heritageknolls.net

Nicole Simmons       Community Relations     Community@heritageknolls.net 

Tina Hinch                Secretary                         Secretary@heritageknolls.net 

Charlene Bridges      Grounds                          Grounds@heritageknolls.net 

Heritage Knolls Board Meetings

2023 Board Meeting Dates (please check newsletter for changes and location)

  • Jan 17 – Year in review, Approve new Board, budget/dues and delegation of powers
  • Apr 16 – General Business
  • Aug 13 – General Business and prepare any survey and call for 2024 candidates
  • Nov 12 – General Business and prepare 2024 recommended budget/dues
  • Jan 16, 2024 – 7:30PM to 8:30PM Annual Meeting

The common agenda we use for Board meetings is as follows:

  • Finance
  • Secretary
  • Communications
  • Community Relations
  • Grounds
  • Other

Meeting minutes are available upon request.

If you have questions, please contact any one of the Board members listed above.